we just wrapped this hall tree in some leave garland and lights we kept it pretty simple. my great uncle made the hall tree like back in the 50's. [just a fyi] we don't use it to hang our coats on we usually always keep it in the kitchen and put garland and lights on it as if it were a "tree" type deal. idk we just have it in here and at christmas time we wrap tons of pine garland and put lights in it and ornaments as if it's a christmas tree. you'll see in a couple weeks.
on top of the cabinets we didn't do too much different from what we had up there in the summer just added some leave garland some fallish things and wola.
in the window we put some leaves down added some cinnamon sticks which sadly don't fill the room with scent, but their still decorative. then we got this sing from big lots and put it on a easel then added a red bird which my mom is obsessed with. for whatever reason.
on top of the fridge we usually have this pine tree which i'm tired of but i'm tired of but i don't know what to replace it with. [i'll take suggestions.] so my mom put leaves in the tree which i think looks chaotic but it's only temporary. then my mom took a tall candle and wrapped beady stuff around it and put it in a glass jar. if i would have wrapped it i would have made the bead stuff tighter. i'm just saying. then we have another red bird and a give thanks singe.
then on the other counter we didn't change too much except add the gel candle and empty salt n pepper shakers.
then on the table we just added this table runner that we got from i think big lots, then walmart had marked down their fall decor things and we got this charger for 2 dollas! oh yeah put a big candle in the middle wrapped beady stuff around it [i wrapped this one] then added some uneatable nuts around it, my mom got this turkey napkin holder a longggg time ago i don't know where she got it, and put the s&p shakers on each side of it's neck.
then on top of the stove hood we just have some more lights and leave garland, a fake pumpkin some measuring cups and a welcome friends singe that was in the window.
so that's it for hte kitchen.
off to my room now
i got the small pumpkins at walgreens last year
yeah i know what your thinking what this is all she has??? well yeah i don't like to add too much for fall because i just don't maybe because i'm falled out from the rest of the place. but i will go all out for christmas. fo sho
so that's it for my room, now off to the back room.
we just took a pumpkin that my brother made from a dryer vent years ago like when he was 8 or something n now he'll be 28 soon. then added some leaves.
on the shelf i just put some leaves down added some pine cones and a fake apple then put some walnuts in a glass jar thing and just realized how crazy it looks, but we'll take it down in a few days.
well that's all for the fall decorations, i thought i'd put this post up since thanksgiving is thursday.
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