i got tagged by my best frien hannah see her blog here to do the tuesday tag and i love these posts/ things. so yeah
1-Who was your mentor growing up? What about now?
mmmm this is really hard, ummm i really don't know, i guess alot of different people because i learned from them, so i can't really pin point who.
2-If you had a shopping spree at one store, which store would it be?
oh geeze, bath &body works, or khols, or hobby lobby
can i have all 3?
3-If you could own any pet, what would you have, and what would you name it?
a elephant i think their so cool
4-If you could start any business, what would you start?
a restaurant but because it alot more work a coffee shop or a staging business but more coffee shop.
5-Dream vacation spot?
Paris then Europe
6-If you started a charity, what would it be for?
probably something to do with helping people in need of personal things i.e. toothpaste, shampoo, soap cuz usually people either think of food or shelter but hey they have to have something for good hygiene.
7-What's on your Christmas list this year?
ipod touch
car {HA}
blackberry torch
b & bw
8-What are/would you be for Halloween?
um if i would be into that probably a ninja
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