Monday, November 22, 2010

some fall decor # 2

i didn't want to leave you guys hanging. i know i really hate waiting for things it drives me bananas. anyway here's the rest of the decor.

 we just wrapped this hall tree in some leave garland and lights we kept it pretty simple. my great uncle made the hall tree like back in the 50's. [just a fyi] we don't use it to hang our coats on we usually always keep it in the kitchen and put garland and lights on it as if it were a "tree" type deal. idk we just have it in here and at christmas time we wrap tons of pine garland and put lights in it and ornaments as if it's a christmas tree. you'll see in a couple weeks.

on top of the cabinets we didn't do too much different from what we had up there in the summer just added some leave garland some fallish things and wola. 

in the window we put some leaves down added some cinnamon sticks which sadly don't fill the room with scent, but their still decorative. then we got this sing from big lots and put it on a easel then added a red bird which my mom is obsessed with. for whatever reason.

on top of the fridge we usually have this pine tree which i'm tired of but i'm tired of but i don't know what to replace it with. [i'll take suggestions.] so my mom put leaves in the tree which i think looks chaotic but it's only temporary. then my mom took a tall candle and wrapped beady stuff around it  and put it in a glass jar. if i would have wrapped it i would have made the bead stuff tighter. i'm just saying. then we have another red bird and a give thanks singe. 

then on the other counter we didn't change too much except add the gel candle and empty salt n pepper shakers.

then on the table we just added this table runner that we got from i think big lots, then walmart had marked down their fall decor things and we got this charger for 2 dollas! oh yeah put a big candle in the middle wrapped beady stuff around it [i wrapped this one] then added some uneatable nuts around it, my mom got this turkey napkin holder a longggg time ago i don't know where she got it, and put the s&p shakers on each side of it's neck.

then on top of the stove hood we just have some more lights and leave garland, a fake pumpkin some measuring cups and a welcome friends singe that was in the window.
so that's it for hte kitchen. 
off to my room now

i got the small pumpkins at walgreens last year

yeah i know what your thinking what this is all she has??? well yeah i don't like to add too much for fall because i just don't maybe because i'm falled out from the rest of the place. but i will go all out for christmas. fo sho

so that's it for my room, now off to the back room.

   we just took a pumpkin that my brother made from a dryer vent years ago like when he was 8 or something n now he'll be 28 soon. then added some leaves.

on the shelf i just put some leaves down added some pine cones and a fake apple then put some walnuts in a glass jar thing and just realized how crazy it looks, but we'll take it down in a few days.

well that's all  for the fall decorations, i thought i'd put this post up since thanksgiving is thursday.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

some fall decor

so since thanksgiving is next week i thought i should finally post our fall decorations. so yeah here it is.

so i'm going go in order from when you walk in the front door to the back of the house.

 so this is a table behind the front door in the hallway. we put the cornucopia with some fruit and leaves. i'm not a fan of the crochet lace tablecloth with this but i was in a hurry to get it up and since were going to be putting up Christmas decorations soon we can live with it.

   then in the coffee table in the living room ii took a tray that i spray painted god and put these ceramic candle holder things that i got at dollar tree and the leave and gouard are candles we found a hobby lobby we don't burn them [how could you?] the put some leaves and sugared grapes i know in the picture it looks sparse but it really dosent idk why it look so sparse, weird? but it's really not.

    on the mantle i put some leaf garland and another garland with green leaves and berries and lights then put the clock on one side then added some more sugared fruit and a wire pumpkin on the other side.

   in the top of the mirror we just put the green leaves with berries and lights i know it's not alot but we never know what to put above the mirror but we get so stuck when it comes to putting something above this mirror.

    now for the dinging room. if you follow Thrifty Decor Chick you can see i did our table similar to hers. what can i say when i see a good idea i want to do it. i mean isn't that what her blog is about anyway? so yeah

   i'll do a post on how i transformed a picture frame into a center piece. but for now to make it fallish i added leaves to fill it out and some real fake fruit and pine cones.

 then i put plate and bowls out. normally is we would set the table we would go all out with glasses and silverware but i didn't want to because i wanted it to look more modern cuz i always thought with the table all set with everything it kind of looks a little bit stuffy, but with just the plates it looks more modern. we don't eat in their all the time anyway.

   i got the idea to do this on the buffet from the november all you magazine i'll link the picture here. i did it on the buffet instead of the table and i like it. we have a turkey soup bowl thing so i put that in the center and put the candles on each side added some leaves and more sugared fruit and the cracked fruit and some pine cones.

    on top of the china cabnet we just kept it simple except all the candle sticks i never realized how bad it looks with all those candlesticks i'm going to deff go in there after i post this and take down like for of them maybe more. just try to picture them without a few candlessticks. 
anyways i just took this fab bowl that we got from hobby lobby a couple years ago and put a fake white pumpkin in it that fits it perfectly. then added a glass candle jar thing next to it i don't remember where we got the glass leave jar.

    on the sectary i added some leaves and more sugared fruit. shocking. and and regular fruit. then some candles.

    then on the dessert buffet i just took one of those leave bowls and put a fake apple in it. i don't think you could get more simple.
so that's it for the dinging room.

so i'm going to do another post  on the rest of the place. lata

Monday, November 15, 2010

before & after: bench

so we have this bench that our neighbors put out to give away {instead of throwing away things like furniture & accessories the put it out on their curb} so and it's not really big but it's nice it wasn't falling apart or anything it just needed a new coat of paint and a change from the very old looking fabric on the seat, so we had these grourg curtains that my mom got on sale at walmart and thought of having in the dinging room put they only had 2 and i guess her idea was to have one panel on the window and pull is over to the side with i am not a fan of...i'm just not and with the baroque pattern made it even worse. so we kept them because you never know what you can use some fab fabric for and we did for this. we got the bench like last year and recovered it before i made my blog so i don't have any pics of us recovering it.

but for whatever reason we never spray painted the wood part which was so awful!'s... just....blek i'll just show you a picture

sorry for the weird angle i was in the middle of spray painting it then i thought to take pictures. but didn't i tell you it was awful? i guess somebody might like the finish but it's just not out taste at all. but yeah i have noooo idea on why we waited so long to spray paint it but i was a nice fall day and i thought i'm gong to spray paint that bench. so yah

and what better color to paint it than black and i used one of those spray paint can gun thing that makes it 10xs easier and more comfortable to use. i LOVE it!! it really makes it easier to spray paint and it doesn't hurt your finger maybe that's why i waited so long to spray paint the bench??
sorry it a lil blurry i couldn't get a good shot but i figure ya'll knew what a can of spray paint looks like.

so here's the finished product!

dosen't it look 10's better? and didn't i tell you the fabric was gorg!?!
we got the smaller bench from our other neighbor when she moved out she gave us a bunch of stuff and this bench we didn't have to do anything to it except we just covered the seat with the fabric.
then to give the bench some height we added a pillow like that you sleep on and covered it in the fabric i don't really like it like the way the pillow looks but i can live with it. were going to take off the wallpaper and change the colors int the hallway hopefully this spring and we have no idea what color scheme were going with. so anayway...

so here you have it a bench that went from blek to fab! 
write ya lata

Saturday, November 13, 2010

how to: pomegranate

so since it cooler pomegranates are in season and i love them. i will eat the seeds by themselves or put them in homemade cranberry sauce. i've seen pictures in magazines and online on how to get the seeds out but it would still be messy so break open, so when i wanted to eat the pomegranate i thought to score the skin deeper and it worked!        

        you'll need:
      a cutting board
      a sharp knife 
      a large bowl filled with cold water
      another empty bowl for the seeds
      another bowl to discard the skin and other unedibles [it's easier to have a bowl right next to    what your working on than having to go back and forth to the trash can]

score the pomegranate 2xs in a X pattern as you can see

    this part take alot of skill, put pomegranate in bowl of water. i hope nobody gets too    overwhelmed with this.

   i didn't get a pic of me breaking the pomegranate open but all you do is just pull it apart under the water the reason why you have it under the water is so the dark juice doesn't squirt all over you kitchen and on you.

then you work the seeds off. i just use my thumb and just break them off i don't keep my hands under the water the whole time cuz they would freeze but it's easier to keep

    what the inside of the pomegranate looks like in case anybody was wondering it's almost too perdy to mess up. well not really.

oh before i keep going i will warn you this task is VERY tedious i'm telling you now because it will seem like forever to get all those seeds and trust me you want to get all the seed out because you would'nt want to waste them one seed not one! not like their expenisive but because their really good.  but it is very very tedious if you are somebody who likes todo things quickly [and i will admit i'm not the most patient person in the world but when i'm working on something i like to take my time] but if you're someone who likes to get it done you will hate taking all those seeds out because it took me a while and i did 2. but i just wanted to warn you. ok let move on.

    10 minutes after [i told you it would take awhile] this is just from one pomegranate. another reason why you have the seed in water is you see the yellowish membrane thing at the top well you don't want to eat that so therefore the seeds fall at the bottom of the bowl and the yellowish thing [i don't really know what it's called] floats at the top so you can separate the seeds. and the yellowish stuff will still be stuck on a seed or two and it will float to the top so you can get it off at the seed.
oh and yes the seeds are edible.

   after you got all the seeds off the you want to strain them and then eat right away or you can save them for some homemade cranberry sauce. 